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             Born and raised in a Brazilian city by the Itajaí-Açu River, Vanessa Neuber delves into various artistic realms. Besides being a visual artist, she is a designer, illustrator, teacher, poet, Reiki master, harmony agent, and a messenger who proclaims art as an omnipresent gift.

           For 15 years, she worked as a fashion designer, costume designer, and art director. She completed a Technical Course in Fashion Design in 2002 and graduated in Fashion Design in 2008, gaining experience with prominent names in the fashion industry. Restless and visionary, she envisioned a different kind of fashion, infused with poetry and soundtrack. She thrived in research, passionate about mood boards made of collages. In 2013, her costume project "Vestindo Almas Emprestadas" (Dressing Borrowed Souls) was awarded by the Cultural Exchange and Diffusion Notice, enabling her to study at the renowned London College of Fashion. After some experiences as a costume designer and art director in audiovisual and theatrical projects, the workshop "Art Direction, Costume, and Fashion" was born. Passionate about music, cinema, poetry, art accompanies her inspirations throughout her journey.

            Her studies as a visual artist began spontaneously and self-taught. Her first solo exhibition, titled "Sopros de Felicid'arte" (Breaths of Art Happiness), took place in 2010 at the Blumenau Art Museum. After several smaller exhibitions, in 2016 she held her second solo exhibition, titled "Máscaras Voadoras" (Flying Masks), at the Angelim Hall in Blumenau. In 2019, one of her works, titled "Aviso de Gatilho: POESIA" (Trigger Warning: POETRY), was part of the collective exhibition "Intersecções com a Paisagem" (Intersections with the Landscape) at the 14th Curitiba Biennial / Polo SC. In 2021, she held two exhibitions: the virtual collective show "Sangue Luz Sombra" (Blood Light Shadow) and the solo exhibition "A Lei da Polaridade me faz Dançar" (The Law of Polarity Makes Me Dance).

          In 2016, Vanessa created the therapeutic art project Sensitive Collage, an intuitive experience and an opportunity to slow down amidst internal and worldly chaos, look within, and dive deeper into one's unique creative universe through a meditative process. The project saw over 30 editions across various regions of Brazil. In August 2022, she completed her specialization in Analytical Psychology with an emphasis on Mythology, Tales, and Arts with research focused on this project.

           As a conclusion of her post-graduation in Art History in 2017, she wrote the article "Why, in the 21st century, do we still need the term 'women artists'?", which was materialized in four zines. This work also resulted in the workshop "Zine, Art, and Feminism", held in approximately 15 editions in Brazil, aiming to disseminate women's history and highlight the underestimated trajectory of women artists. In 2021, she conceived and taught the course Creative Processes in Independent Publications, with a duration of 10 hours.

          As a poet, she has published two books: "Personagens que você matou, mas ainda não sabe / Algumas pistas ou poemas perdidos" (Characters You Killed but Don’t Know Yet / Some Clues or Lost Poems) (2017) and "Paraísos Orgânicos em Artérias Expostas" (Organic Paradises in Exposed Arteries) (2019), launched in Blumenau, Florianópolis, São Paulo, and Montevideo. These works led to the creation of the label Neuber Art and Independent Publications. By the end of 2019, her work had been selected to participate in 15 art fairs and markets.

            Based in Berlin since mid-2022, Vanessa has distinguished herself in her artistic journey by participating in exhibitions, art markets, and publishing fairs, including the renowned Miss Read. During this time, she launched her first bilingual book, illustrated a children's book, and conducted workshops in German, English, and Portuguese.

        The poetics of her work reflect a mystical essence and a questioning of the status quo, addressing themes such as philosophy, psychology, mythology, hermeticism, astrology, nature, and feminism. Her fascination with mystery and the inexplicable permeates all of her artistic production, materialized in the form of collages, assemblages, installations and artist's books

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